Play Therapy

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What is it?

Play therapy is a style of therapy dedicated to children that helps them express and communicate their feelings. Play therapy is a sub-specialty of therapy provided by extensively trained therapists that consider the developmental stage of the child’s brain and assists processing their feelings.

Elaborated Explanation

Play therapy is the equivalent to children what traditional therapy is to adults.Children often have not yet obtained the verbal skills and/or emotional development necessary to effectively benefit from traditional therapy. Children naturally communicate through their actions, as their play speaks for them. In play therapy, the therapist is able to be present with the child in a way that is developmentally appropriate for their specific needs, meeting them where they are cognitively and emotionally. Play therapy has been proven most effective in treating childhood issues such as: ADHD, anxiety, depression, and various behavioral/conduct disorders. Play therapy provides a comfortable environment where children are encouraged to express themselves freely by engaging in various therapeutic activities.

When a child is met with empathy and understanding, it is then that they are able to explore repressed thoughts and unresolved emotions. In doing so, the child will ultimately be able to resolve psychosocial difficulties more effectively. By learning problem solving techniques, gaining healthy coping skills, and accumulating developing new social and relational skills, the child will be better equipped to handle life stressors by utilizing the strategies learned in play therapy.

What to expect?

Expect your child to be provided with a ‘play room’ to express their feelings.

Their style of play is analyzed by a trained therapist and appropriately interacted within to create tools for processing stressors and developing coping skills.

Expect to receive the highest quality therapy with cutting edge equipment, such as a sand tray therapy, and a dedicated play room.

Who could benefit?

Children affected by mental illness, such as:

  1. Depression
  2. Anxiety
  3. Grief/Loss
  4. Trauma
  5. ADHD
  6. Children with behavioral issues
  7. Children demonstrating intolerance to stress
  8. Children behaving inappropriately